Friday, June 17, 2011

Find the Land of Love - How to Be the Girl He Falls For
Have you ever noticed that guys take longer to fall in love? Have you tried so hard to get a guy to fall in love with you that you ended up losing him in the end? Do you desperately want to know how to get a guy to stick around long enough to love you? This article will help you answer your questions about men and love.
Men and women just simply think differently about love. When it comes to emotional investment, men take a little longer to catch up with women. Often, women give up on waiting for a man to fall in love. If only they knew that if they had held on just a little longer, they might have stuck it out. Knowing what he is waiting for and why he is waiting is key in finding that loving relationship you are looking for.
Part of the problem with dating today is that men are confused about their role in the relationship. It used to be that men knew they were supposed to be the pursuers and protectors. They understood that they were the ones who were to chase, be aggressive, and safe keep the women they wanted. Today, this is a very different story.
Women now have the same jobs as men. They make the same income as men. While all of this may be good and well, this "strength" has bled over into the dating arena. Women are the aggressors. Women are approaching men for dates and numbers. Often times, men are left wondering what exactly it is they are supposed to do in a relationship.
A completely independent self serving woman that can complete his role doesn't really appear to need a man in her life. However, the important fact remains that both men and women need each other to gain an ultimate sense of friendship and intimacy. How can we solve this problem?
It turns out that the traditional way of dating really worked out better than this new method. Each gender has specific emotional needs in a relationship, and men have a need to feel needed. They want to be the one to go after the girl. They also want to be the one that determines just how quickly the relationship progresses. Additionally, every man wants to feel like his girl's knight in shining armor. The following are some ideas in ways that you can help him meet his emotional needs and keep him falling for you.
Keep the relationship easy and free. Don't pressure or push the love issue. Definitely don't push marriage! If you come on too strong, he could feel too pressured and end up backing out.
Let him determine the time frame of love. It is okay to be open and honest about your feelings. However, if you sense him getting uncomfortable, back off a little. Odds are, you are more emotionally invested in the relationship than he is right now. That's okay! Give him a lot of patience and plenty of time and he will follow.
Create a loving and safe environment. Don't ever criticize his feelings. If he isn't where you are, be loving and accepting of what he does feel for you. If you create an atmosphere in which he feels safe to be himself, his love will bloom.
Enjoy the relationship the way it is right now. Instead of constantly hoping for a ring and wedding bells, enjoy the time that the two of you are spending together right now. Over thinking the future will only make you anxious and impatient. However, if you are enjoying the relationship, so will he. The more time he spends enjoying being with you, the more likely he is to realize just how much he wants it to be that way forever.

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