Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Farewell to Sam Triani, Miss Illinois Jr. Teen

The surest way not to fail is to be determined to succeed.

2007, I competed for my first time at NAM Illinois State. I was scared
because I did not know what to expect. Soon all the jitters went away
and I made so many new friends. That year placed 6th overall. I went
back in 2008 and was 3rd runner up. My determination did not stop there,
because in 2010 I went back and competed for a third time and I was
honored and extremely shocked when they called my name as your new Miss
Illinois Jr. Teen.

Getting ready for Nationals was a blast
with all my sisters queens and my family. I went to many volunteer
projects, including Feed My Starving Children where I got to bag food
for the starving children of our world. I was in numerous photo shoots
and even got to judge my very first pageant! November came around and it
was time for nationals in California! I had so much fun there getting
to meet the national directors and bonding with state queens who I’d
meet throughout the years. I also made new friends with girls from all
over the country.

amazing experience and fully packed year would not have been possible
without the people who are always there for me. To my mom, dad, and
Nicole- You three are my world. Without you, especially mom, this
amazing year and my reign would not have been possible. To my friends
and family, thank you for always being the loudest cheering section in
the crowd and being the best support system around.

the NAM Staff, you guys are amazing and so much fun to be around. You
run a beautiful program where young ladies can truly be themselves and
shine on stage. And to all the wonderful and inspiring young woman, I
met throughout the year, especially my sister queens, thank you for
opening your hearts to me. You are all beautiful and I know you’re going

my successor, don’t blink. The year goes by so fast. Cherish all the
memories you make and remember all the people who helped you get to
where you are. Never take a single moment for granted and make the best
of your title. Always remember, you have people watching you, especially
little girls, so always be the very best role model you can be.

I am your 2010-2011 National American Miss Illinois Jr. Teen,

Samantha Nicole Triani.

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